The Cascade Generator

This cascade engine was invented in the 1930's by a 17-year old amateur experimenter who was simply trying to make a new version of the old Fizeau's condenser. Instead, he discovered a revolutionary new propulsion system which he patented as the "Electric Rocket."

Standard Oil of New Jersey (now MOBIL) reportedly paid the lad one million dollars for his patent, swore him to secrecy and signed a contract calling for forfeiture of the money should he tell anyone of his invention.

Why? Because this device can and will make fossil fuels obsolete. Not only can it provide clean, safe, and efficient propulsion for vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft and machinery of every type, it can also be used to run ordinary electrical generators, and collect far more energy than is required to keep it running.

The better you make and assemble your engine, and the greater the heat capacity of the insulating material between the disks, the longer it will produce a "thrust" of open-curve gravitational waves before it requires another charge. If you were to use titanium dioxide dielectric compounds, it could conceivably run for centuries on a single charge!

T. Townsend Brown worked on the principles of electro-gravitation for about 50 years and invented many fantastic devices, most of which were suppressed. The government did not give him funding to develop electro-gravitic propulsion, but they did manage to steal some of his best ideas, and used their own scientists to continue development and refinement of his engines in secret.

Many UFO sightings, especially in the 1940's and 1950's were experimental aircraft being tested by the American government. The cascade engines, or some versions of them, have been used on aircraft and spacecraft for nearly 50 years, yet the technology will not be used on vehicles driven by the general public simply because the fossil fuel economies of the entire world would crumble overnight!

The engine described here is simple, if a bit crude, but it works by directly utilizing the gravitic fields that accompany high voltage, low amp electricity. It might be possible to build energy self-sufficient cars by using flywheel generators connected to the wheels, and perhaps a turbine generator in the "wake" of the array. These cascade generators might be enough to drive energy self-sufficient vehicles until someone re-discovers free energy receivers.

(Note: Some free energy receivers may already be in use in some spacecraft).

The technical name for this device is Capacitor Array Gravitational Warp engine, however, it is not really a capacitor but, rather, a conduit for pulsing high voltage, low amperage electricity to effect gravitic propulsion.

Conventional science tells us that "the attractive force" between + and - plates of a capacitor varies inversely with the square of the distance between the plates. What they don't mention is that this is precisely the equation for gravitation.

High voltage, low amperage electricity is accompanied by gravitational fields, just as ordinary current electricity is accompanied by strong magnetic fields. Using electrogravitation is much different from using electromagnetism, however.

A dielectric must be used that will allow the pulsing energy to cascade through the array without overheating and/or burning through. (Titanium dioxide or Bakelite litharge)?

Staggering the inner and outer diameters of the plates and overlapping the plates from layer to layer causes an undulating cascade effect. The energy flows in a circular zig-zag between inner diameters from small to large plates as well as around the outer diameter of the small plates.

Small and large plates must have the same surface area, which can be accomplished by varying inner and outer diameters in the right proportions.

The cylindrical configuration causes a gravitic "doughnut" or "smoke ring" field to pulse through the array with the high voltage energy. This has a direct gravitational action/reaction on the dielectric and plates, as well as on surrounding space, especially along the axis of motion.

Each pulse causes a gravitic ripple, and these ripples link to create a wave form. The faster it is pulsed, and the higher the voltage, the better the wave form. The energy is pulsed into the positive end of the array and moves toward the negative end or ground or lower potential as does lightning.

High voltage coils, as well as van der Graaff generators and Wimshurst machines produce energy suitable for charging the Cascade Generator. Propulsion is accomplished as energy cascades through the grid carrying a gravitational warp field with it, creating a gravitic "pressure" wave in the surrounding space. Higher voltage and pulse rate generates greater thrust.

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