Minutes of Shareholder's Meeting


The annual meeting of the Shareholders of the above-named
Corporation, was held on _______(2)________, at ____(3)___, at
the offices of the corporation.

On motion duly made and carried, a Chairman and Secretary of
the meeting were elected, the same being _____(4)______ and

The Chairman and Secretary accepted his office and proceeded
with the discharge of his duties.

The Chairman then called the roll and found that the following
shareholders to the articles of Incorporation were present in

NAME                                    SHARES

__________(6)____________               __(7)___

__________(6)____________               __(7)___

__________(6)____________               __(7)___

__________(6)____________               __(7)___

__________(6)____________               __(7)___

__________(6)____________               __(7)___

A written Waiver of Notice of the time and place of holding
the present meeting, signed by all of the shareholders of this
corporation was then presented and read by the Chairman and
the same was ordered, filed and spread at length upon the

Upon motion duly made and carried, the following named persons
were elected as Director of the Corporation to serve until the
next annual meeting of shareholders, or until his successor is
duly elected and qualified:




motion duly made and carried, it was:

RESOLVED, that the above-named Directors of this Corporation
be promptly notified of their election and requested to meet
at the earliest opportunity after the adjournment of this
meeting to elect the officers of the Corporation and to take
such action as may be deemed advisable or necessary to
complete the organization of the Corporation.

There being no further business before the meeting the same
was, on motion, duly adjourned.



The information in this document is designed to provide an outline that you can follow when formulating business or personal plans. Due to the variances of many local, city, county and state laws, we recommend that you seek professional legal counseling before entering into any contract or agreement.

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