Money Making Ideas

Start Your Own Catering Service

People with money seem to be on a binge to prove their status and flaunt their wealth by staging large, catered parties.

Start Your Own Clip-Art Business

Have you ever seen an ad in a publication that was just text? Just a big block of words. I'm sure you have, and wasn't it boring? If you're scanning quickly through ad sheets, your eye won't stop at a block of grey text. It'll skip right over.

Start Your Own Credit Counseling Service

Here's a business idea that meets all the aspirations of the American Dream.

Start Your Own Dating & Escort Services

Starting and operating a successful Dating and Escort Service can bring in $60,000 or more per year for the sharp, aggressive, imaginative business person.

Start Your Own Day Care Center Business

There's a definite need for day care centers as more and more mothers of pre-school age children are forced to find jobs outside the home.

Start Your Own Firewood Supply Business

Unpredictable fuel costs and the necessity of keeping warm in the winter have resulted in "boom sales" for manufacturers of wood-burning stoves.

Start Your Own Highly Profitable Shopping Center Papers

One of the easiest of all businesses to establish, publishing shopping center papers, can make you very rich, almost as fast as finding gold, or inheriting an oil well.

Start Your Own Mobile Locksmithing Service

The locks on the doors of most homes keep the skilled burglar out for about 30 seconds! This is especially true if the only thing slowing him down is a standard key-in-the-knob lock.

Start Your Own Paper Recycling Business

One of the easiest - and in fact one of the oldest ways of making extra money - is by collecting old newspapers and selling them to a recycling plant in your locale.

Start Your Own Party Plan Sales

Believe it! You can easily make $50,000 in the next six months or less! After that, you can practically be guaranteed at least that much, but probably much more, every year for the rest of your life, without, really working!

Start Your Own Residential Cleaning Service

House and apartment cleaning services are gaining in popularity. These are business services that are growing in demand as a result of more and more women seeking jobs outside the home.

Start Your Own Resume Writing Service

Here's a business you can start for virtually nothing, parlay into a million dollar enterprise in five years or less. Many established resume writing services in the large metropolitan areas are reporting annual incomes of $250,000 or more.

Start Your Own Roommate Finding Service

The average income for owners of this kind of business in California is $65,000 a year. Best of all, here's a business that you can start with an absolute minimum investment.

Start Your Own Rubber Stamp Business

Rubber stamps are one of the necessities of a mail order business. You need to have at least a rubber stamp with your name and address on it, not only for envelopes, but also for commission circulars and ad sheets that you co- publish.

Start Your Own Successful Business Consulting Service

A consultant works with the management of a business to improve the profitability of the business. Working with the top management, you can rest assured the consultant is a very highly paid individual. Some consultants charge $100 per hour.

Start Your Own Temporary Help Service

This is a service business with excellent growth potential, indications of strong stability, a nationwide market with a growing demand and a risk factor that's rated average or less than most new business ideas.

Starting a Co-Op Coupon Business from Your Home

Mail out coupons, circular and ads for up to 30 clients at a time on a cooperative basis. Contract to print (have printed or use provided) and mail out coupons to area residents and/or businesses on a cooperative, non-competing basis.

Starting a Driving Service for Pleasure and Profit

This is the business of driving other people's vehicles (cars, trucks, vans, RV's) for them.

Starting A Silk Screening Business Inexpensively

Silk screen or screen printing (technically, Serigraphy) is a long used process for mass producing signs and designs economically.

Starting a Small Printing Business from Your Garage

With a small printing press in your garage, basement or shop - accept and contract (at first) for printing jobs that are too small for your competition.

Starting an Importing Business from Home

Carefully select and buy a product or line of products directly from an overseas source for resale, eventually on an exclusive basis.

Starting Your Own Glass Etching Business

Glass etching is the application of lettering, monograms or designs on glass. this little known business can be started in a garage or shop and work into something really lucrative.

Strip-O-Gram: Singing Telegram with a Twist

A stripping telegram is nothing more than a more mature, slightly provocative version of the singing telegram. Other than sing, the talents who deliver a stripping telegram dance and strip in front of their audience.

Sure-Fire Methods of Raising Instant Cash

The inability to come up with the necessary cash when suddenly presented with a "can't miss" opportunity, is one of the most frustrating experiences anyone ever live through.

Temple Rubbings -- The Unusual Opportunity

This is a business where a person with no art talent can produce art!