25 Steps for Building a Successful Mail Order Business
Read all you can on the subject of "Mail Order Selling" and apply this knowledge to building your Mail Order business.
At first start slowly on a part time basis until you begin to make money. Then, expand your business until you have made enough money to go full time.
Be willing to stick-to-it and give yourself enough time for a good chance to begin making money regardless of past setbacks or failures.
Purchase printed stationary, labels, rubber stamps and a quality postal scale, typewriter, etc. for professional appearances.
Plan your area you'll be operating from so you have everything in easy reach. This makes operating, mailing, etc. easier and faster.
Build your business around all types of money making plans; read about dealership offers, dealer supplies, advertising and all types of books and information to bring the most profits for your efforts. Weed out non-producing offers. Keep up on what's new, give customers the best choices.
Choose a product or service that appeals to you and is in demand. A good way to see what's selling is to get listed on several of the Big Mails Wanted Lists for several months.
Check out sources of printed material. Get reprint rights if you can to assure a constant supply to fill orders.
If source is a drop-shipper, make certain you can be assured orders will be shipped and on time.
Offer customers a choice of related items listed and priced in your sales letter or circular.
Offer customers a money back guarantee on items not special order or customized.
Use only good quality printed material. Your material (and all of your products) reflects directly upon you as a business person.
Always KEY your material and advertising. Keep a record of which is selling and which is not so you can make adjustments.
In your ads, use Free Information. Details for a LSASE (Large Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) etc. to sell offers. Never ask for more than a dollar or two from your 1" or 2" display or classified ads.
Place as many ads in different Mail Order publications as you can with circulations of at least 2000 and up.
Change publications to reach as many prospects as you can.
Use ideas from suppliers advertising. These ads are produced by professional ad writers that know how to get orders.
Don't write any advertising until you have studied everything you can on the subject. Gather, study and learn from other dealers' ads.
Don't hesitate to use professional help (if necessary) to write ads for your offers until such time as you feel you can write ads to test and see if you get orders.
Many times a "cover letter" (sales letter) sent along with order form and/or circular for offers that cost $5.00 and up will pull more orders (See #19).
Place your advertising in publications that are read by people that can relate to and may want or need what you have to offer.
Use a bulk mailing permit when mailings reach over 250. Try asking for a first class stamp for free details.
Ship orders promptly, within 15 days minimum. Always use correct postage amount.
Inform customers if their order will be delayed beyond 15 days.
Be an HONEST DEALER and abide by all Postal Regulations. You must never argue with a customer if a refund is requested and refund it promptly.
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