How to Get Dollars in Your Mailbox Thru Mail Order

There are a wide variety of ways that you can get dollars in your mailbox through mail order. In fact, there are so many this report doesn't even begin to have room to list them all. However, we will attempt to help you to get started in the fascinating business of mail order. It isn't difficult at all if you learn to take it slow. Save your money! It won't cost you a lot initially and you'll be amazed at how easy it is to generate a second income quickly.

A word of caution though: People everywhere are in constant need of information. And they'll pay you money to get it. The only problem is that some mail order reports you see advertised have been on the market for over 40 years. Everybody, including their mother and cousin has seen these 1,000's of times and already know what they are.

As a beginner to the mail order world, you naturally have never seen these old reports and think they are something brand new. The publisher will sell you a package of them with reprint rights and never give you information about promoting them to make money. Therefore, before you get involved in any programs that claim to make you lots of money be sure and check them out. Don't fall into the same trap everybody else does that begins a mail order business. Instead, discover the vast array of products and services being offered by millions of reputable and down-to-earth folks!

How do you do this? By writing to some of the honest mail order dealers who have been in business for a long time. One of these people is Gloria Rivers, 5308 NE 49th Street, Vancouver WA 98661 and another is Gary Davis, PO Box 80, Foyil OK 74031. Both of these reputable people will help steer you in the right direction.

In the meantime _ back to the subject. How can you get dollars in your mailbox through mail order? Just follow the steps below:

  1. If you have never read a mail order publication of any kind, write to Gloria or Gary (above) and ask them to send you a "Big Mail" filled with tabloids, ad sheets and other publications. Be sure to enclose $1 or 4 first-class postage stamps to pay for the postage to mail the package back to you.

  2. Go through the publications you receive and study the advertisements that other people are running.

  3. When you find something that interests you, order the product or request more information. Don't spend a lot of your hard-earned money until you know what is involved in selling the particular item you have selected.

  4. Some programs will give you free camera-ready ads (just like the ones you read in the mail order publications) that have your name and address already on them if you decide to sell the product or service they offer.

  5. All that's left to do is to run the camera-ready ads with your name and address on them in other mail order publications. (You can receive a collection of these over a period of a few weeks simply by writing letters to publishers who are advertising in the same publications Gloria and Gary send you.) You'll be surprised how much valuable information and contacts you can get just from studying the tabloids and publications _ which are free.

  6. When people respond to your ad they will send you money.

  7. You either fill the order yourself or send it to the "prime source" to complete. Then you simply pocket your commission.

The mail order business is a fascinating business that anyone can get involved in. In fact, once you are exposed to the products and services you can purchase through the mail, you will never go back to paying retail prices again. You can buy everything from groceries to shampoo to printing to publishing services through the mail. And the prices are always 50% (most even 80%) less than you would pay locally.

Why are prices so low? Because you are dealing with people who actually make the product or perform the service. No middleman. No secretary at the front desk. Mail order is filled with mom-and-pop operations who take good ole' American pride in what they sell. You'll get better service and better products at affordable prices.

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