How to Receive Orders in Your Mailbox 365 Days a Year

Do you want to receive orders every day of the year? You can if you have a mailbox or post office box and if you sell something that people want. The "secret" is explained in this report so you can profit from what I have learned the hard way starting in mail order.

Most dealers believe that a profit cannot be made unless items with big price tags are offered to the buying public. This is far from the truth. To keep orders coming in on a regular basis you must use "good will" and "leader" items. These are good pulling offers that keep dollars coming in daily to your mailbox. In an average week leader items selling for 25 cents, 50 cents, $1.00 or postage stamps can bring in dozens and dozens of orders. Offering valuable information for example, with price tags that build "customer interest" can create regular repeat buyers for your offers.

For years I've offered information for 50 cents, $1.00 and/or postage stamps and find that these are really big sellers that can and will build customer trust, plus build a valuable mailing list you can use over and over again. Most of my offers are short mini-folios containing a few thousand words of helpful or money-saving information. The cost is only a few pennies to print. My profit margin is enormous even with the present cost of printing envelopes and postage. My profit margin is maintained by asking for self addressed stamped envelopes which also cuts down tome to fill the orders. Customers who send me 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00 usually send larger orders later on. With each out-going order I include my other money making offers which get a "free ride" with the original report. My repeat orders have always been above 50%. Selling information for a dollar or less may not seem like very much profit to you, but you are getting valuable names of buyers for your own mailing list plus you can sell these names to other dealers for a profit.

Selling "Big Mails" is an excellent way to get your offers mailed FREE plus get valuable names you can sell to other dealers $2.00 per 100 and up. You can get BIG response to your advertising if you just use your imagination. If you have a piece of material that has not made the rounds in mail order publications, put the material into your own words and sell it. One dealer sells the addresses of several companies that offer wholesale mail order printing. His ad reads as follows" "CHEAP PRINTING! List of 50 discount printers. $1.00 and stamp. This ad brings in 20 to 30 orders every day of the year! His profit is more than $9,000 per year from one small classified ad! You can do it to! Simply sell a good piece of information and watch the dollars roll in every day in your mailbox. This is how to keep you mailbox full of orders 365-DAYS-A-YEAR!

Happy mail order selling!

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