Household Tips

47 Proven Ways to Economize at Home Every Day

47 Proven Ways to Economize at Home Every Day

55 Unique Sewing and Craft Secrets

55 Unique Sewing and Craft Secrets

Age Old and New Age Folk Remedies for Common Aliments that Really Work

The following is an assortment of tried and true home remedies from a variety of sources.

Caring for Your Lawn in an Environmentally Friendly Way

Picture a healthy green lawn: perfect for lounging, great for ball games and cookouts, a real asset to your home. But did you know that your lawn--and how you take care of it--can also help the environment?

Eighty Uses for Old Newspaper

Eighty Uses for Old Newspaper

Grandma's Remedies and Grandpa's Formulas

A little spray of water carbureted into intake manifold of an internal combustion engine will dampen the "ping" nearly as well as tetra-ethyl lead ("ethyl").

Practical Tips to Secure Your Home, Protect Your Family and Valuables

It's no secret that crime is increasing every year and is invading what once was considered "safe communities. " As the following FBI report shows, crime is on the rise.

Sixty Uses of Baking Soda

Bicarbonate of soda or baking soda has many different uses in the household.

Sixty Uses of Salt

Although you may not realize it, simple table salt has a great number of uses other than simply seasoning your food. The following list will give you sixty uses of salt, many of which you probably didn't realize:

Sixty-Three Uses of Vinegar

Sixty-Three Uses of Vinegar

Waterproofing and Fireproofing Common Items

Mix 3 cups soybean oil (available from grocery or health food store) with 1 1/2 cups turpentine. Paint on and let dry. Reapply after a year or two of hard use or outdoor exposure.

Ye Olde and New Collection of Hints for Homemakers

Try a cup of baking soda in a Cup of warm water. Relax for ten minutes or until refreshed.