Secrets of Successful Authors

When the writing bug hits you, get out your pencil, typewriter, word processor or tape recorder and go to work.

Personal wants and desires, such as "How to Make Money" can put you on the road to success in the writing field. there are five main emotional appeals for selling this kind of publication: Money, Self Preservation, Family, Romance, Recognition. These appeals can all be built into your writings.

It pays to make up a good advertising schedule several months in advance and when you do hit the pages with your ads, be sure they "Drip" with enthusiasm!

The title is of the greatest importance. It alone can determine the sales volume to a large degree. Price your report so that you can come out with a good profit. You will want to make tests to see if your publication will bring in the required price before going into full scale advertising.

Most people are dreamers not "doers". It is only a short step to be a doer. Just do it!

Sometimes it is better to write a strong ad before you write the report, then make the report live up to your ad. Make your ads friendly.

Write about a special subject in a unique way: Strive to write in such a way that you will get repeat orders or will receive orders from the same customers for your other books and products. Have a follow-up program ready to go.

Ship your orders without delay. Don't hold them up for checks to clear. It will do you much more damage than getting a few bad checks. Offer a free bonus for "buying today".

Get quality printing for use with all your paper needs (letterheads, envelopes, circulars, sales letters, return envelopes, order forms, etc.)

You can set up a distributor program, sell your publications direct to the consumer, or use both methods.

It's a good idea to give your other publications a boost within the pages of your other reports and books, but don't brag about your accomplishments or try to sell all your own products in the body of your publication.

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