Get an Extra Hour Out of Every Day
How can you get an extra hour from each day? This is a basic challenge for all of us. I've discussed this challenge with action and results-oriented people I know. Together, we've come up with many practical ways to secure one more precious hour from each day. (Remember that each of these tips is probably adaptable to your particular situation.) Here they are. I hope you'll find them helpful an useful to you...
Make up and follow a detailed, daily schedule.
Get up earlier.
Do less passive reading, TV watching and the like.
Avoid allowing others to waste your time.
If you commute to work, use the time to study or plan.
Organize your work; do it systematically.
Make creative use of lunchtime.
Delegate authority if possible.
Spend less time on unimportant phone calls.
Think first; then do the job.
Do instead of dream.
Work hardest when you're mentally most alert.
Eliminate activities which make little contribution to the best results for your life.
Always do the toughest jobs first.
Before each major act, ask: Is this REALLY necessary?
Choose interesting and constructive literature for spare-moment reading.
Learn how to sleep. Sleep soundly, then work refreshed.
Skip desserts.
Stop smoking.
Write notes or letters while waiting for others.
Always carry an envelope with paper in it, stamps and a few postcards.
Combine tasks which are done in the same area.
Be prompt for all appointments.
Lay out your clothes the night before.
Relax. Ready yourself for the important jobs in life.
Concentrate on the specific task you're doing.
Make constructive use of those five- or ten-minute waiting periods. Carry with you magazine article clippings on helpful subjects.
Always carry a pencil and paper to capture important-to-you ideas.
Learn to do other "unnecessary things" while watching TV or listening to the radio.
Call on specialists to accomplish work you cannot do efficiently.
Learn to read more rapidly.
Nap an hour after dinner. Then take a shower. Begin the evening hours relaxed and refreshed.
Avoid making a "production" out of small tasks.
Avoid interruptions.
Tackle only one job at a time.
Search out job short-cuts.
Know your limitations.
Work to your top capacity.
Make Your Days Happier
Here are some tested ways to make your days fuller and happier.
Mend a quarrel
Search out a forgotten friend
Dismiss suspicion
Write an overdue letter
Share some treasure
Give a soft answer
Encourage youth
Keep a promise
Find the time
Forego a grudge
Forgive an enemy
Apologize if wrong
Think first of someone else
Be kind
Be gentle
Laugh a little more
Express your thanks
Worship your God
Gladden a child's heart
Enjoy earth's beauty
Speak your love for mankind
And here's another tip for peace-of-mind living - Tomorrow, say this short prayer as you start your day: "Lord, please help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that you and I together cannot handle."
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