Relationships and Marriage

A Man's Guide to Survive a Divorce

There is no greater emotional pain that can be inflicted upon a man than the announcement by his wife that she wants a divorce.

A Woman's Guide to Survive a Divorce

There is no greater emotional pain that can be inflicted upon a woman than the announcement by her husband that he wants a divorce.

How and Where to Meet Eligible Men

So you're a woman looking for a man... First off, you have to "know" what kind of man you're looking for, and then go wherever it is you'll most likely find that kind of man...

How and Where to Meet Eligible Women

A lot of guys will undoubtedly dispute this, but really - there are more eligible women running around loose today than there are men!

How to Command, Influence and Control People

Power is the ability to get things done - your way.

How to Influence People and Win Them over

You will never to be able to control people, but you will be able to let people control themselves in ways that benefit you. If you tell people what to do, they may not listen to you and will probably resent you.

How to Rebuild Your Life After a Divorce

Suddenly you're single after years of marriage. This always results in a serious blow to the old ego of at least one of the persons involved.

How to Rebuild Your Self-Esteem After a Divorce

Your self-esteem - what you think of yourself in relation to other people - is the basic secret of your success or failure in life.

How to Regain Your Self-Confidence After a Divorce

Regaining one's self-confidence following a divorce is not an easy thing to do. As we've stated in all the previous articles within this series of reports on how to recover from a divorce, the blow to your inner-being is traumatic and long-lasting.

How to Reorganize for Happiness After a Divorce

The big thing about going through the experience of a divorce is that it leaves you completely worn out and drained of desire to go on with your life. Typically, divorces shatter the hopes and dreams - the ambitions - of both parties involved.

The Basic Steps to Recovering from a Divorce

When you've been the "victim" of a divorce, the first thing you MUST UNDERSTAND and BEGIN BELIEVING is that YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DIE BECAUSE OF IT- Regardless of how badly you feel, you must realize that it has happened to millions of people befor...